for periods indicated
 in million pesos
January - June
2021 2022 2023 2023   2024 p
 I. Revenues, of which: 3,005,539 3,545,505 3,824,105 1,860,134 2,149,549
Annual Growth Rate (%) 5.2 18.0 7.9 7.7 15.6
A. Tax 2,742,721 3,220,315 3,429,292 1,667,701 1,835,303
Tax Effort 1,2 14.1 14.6 14.1 14.5 14.6
B. Non-Tax including Grants 262,818 325,190 394,813 192,433 314,246
 II. Expenditures 4,675,639 5,159,640 5,336,191 2,411,850 2,763,456
Annual Growth Rate (%) 10.6 10.4 3.4 0.4 14.6
               of which:
A. Interest Payments 429,432 502,858 628,333 282,458 377,228
1. Domestic 333,335 383,452 435,742 192,884 268,040
2. Foreign 96,097 119,406 192,591 89,574 109,188
B. Net Lending & Equity 65,397 38,363 27,318 12,372 1,490
 III. Surplus/Deficit (-) -1,670,100 -1,614,135 -1,512,086 -551,716 -613,907
Ratio to GDP 2 -8.6 -7.3 -6.2 -4.8 -4.9
 IV. Financing 3 2,252,181 1,966,404 2,070,852 1,326,628 1,178,364
A. Net Domestic Borrowings 1,920,700 1,576,802 1,632,930 1,024,235 1,059,078
Gross Domestic Borrowings 2,010,554 1,643,399 1,634,230 1,024,825 1,303,138
Less:  Amortizations 89,854 66,597 1,300 590 244,060
B. Net External Borrowings 331,481 389,602 437,922 302,393 119,286
Gross External Borrowings 568,668 520,091 559,035 366,441 267,412
Less:  Amortizations 237,187 130,489 121,113 64,048 148,126
 V. Change in Cash:  Deposit/Withdrawal (-) 66,080 -119,148 -164,616 776,964 506,130
1 Tax effort is computed using tax revenue data as percent to nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
2 The data on percent to GDP is based on the Department of Economic Statistics staff calculations using the latest nominal GDP released by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) on 8 August 2024.
3 Based on the concept of the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 wherein reporting of debt amortization reflects the actual 
principal repayments to creditor including those serviced by the Bond Sinking Fund; while financing includes gross proceeds of  
liability management transactions such as bond exchange.
P Preliminary
            Details may not add up to total due to rounding.
            Sources: Bureau of the Treasury and PSA