3  Total Philippine External Debt by Creditor Country 1/                  
  As of 31 March 2024 (valued at 27 March 2024 rates)                  
  In million US dollars                    
Creditor/Country Grand
  Short-Term   Medium- and Long- Term  
  Total Public Private   Total Public Private  
Grand Total 128,692 17,098 160 16,938 111,594 78,742 32,852 a/
A. Bilateral Creditors, Banks and Other Financial Institutions, Suppliers and Others 51,643   17,060 127 16,934 b/ 34,583 10,771 23,811 c/
1. Japan 15,206   1,805 0 1,805   13,401 7,801 5,601  
2. United Kingdom 4,557   2,682 18 2,665   1,875 102 1,773  
3. Netherlands 3,889   911   911   2,978 28 2,950  
4. Singapore 3,877   1,904 37 1,867   1,973 0 1,973  
5. China 3,819   412 1 412   3,407 351 3,056  
6. Taiwan 3,332   788 0 788   2,544   2,544  
7. Hong Kong 3,312   2,613 43 2,571   698   698  
8. United States of America 2,213   1,368 18 1,350   845 203 641  
9. Cayman Islands 1,339   7   7   1,332   1,332  
10. Germany, Federal Rep 1,311   322   322   989 86 903  
11. France 1,201   52 0 52   1,148 1,091 57  
12. Korea, Republic of 1,135   241 1 240   895 694 201  
13. Switzerland 711   52   52   659 1 658  
14. Australia 424   216 0 216   208   208  
15. Malaysia 397   210   210   186   186  
16. Virgin Island, British 299   171   171   128   128  
17. Israel 284   9 4 5   275 275 0  
18. Kuwait 221   21 0 21   200   200  
19. India 209   13 0 13   196   196  
20. Canada 149   140   140   9 4 5  
21. United Arab Emirates 132   59 1 58   73   73  
22. Bermuda 132   51   51   81   81  
23. Thailand 91   32 0 32   59 0 59  
24. Italy 65   14   14   51 24 27  
25. Cyprus 62   1   1   61   61  
26. Spain 60   6   6   55 53 2  
27. South Africa 56   4 1 3   51 1 50  
28. Austria 46   2   2   45 42 2  
29. Saudi Arabia 45   38 1 36   7 7 0  
30. Mauritius 40   0   0   40   40  
31. Luxembourg 36   7   7   29   29  
32. Belgium 34   23   23   11 4 7  
33. Czech Republic 32           32   32  
34. Sweden 24   23   23   1   1  
35. Ireland 19   5   5   15   15  
36. Indonesia 14   11 0 11   3   3  
37. Qatar 14   13 0 13   0   0  
38. Denmark 12   6 0 6   6 0 5  
39. Guam 11   11   11   0   0  
40. The Gambia 8   8   8          
41. Oman 7   7   7          
42. Liechtenstein 7   0   0   7   7  
43. Brazil 4   1 0 1   3 3    
44. Niger 4   3   3   1   1  
45. Vietnam 4   4   4          
46. New Zealand 3   3   3   0   0  
47. Bahrain 3   3 0 3   0   0  
48. Greece 3   3 0 3          
49. Mali 3   3   3          
50. Portugal 3   0   0   3   3  
51. Papua New Guinea 2   2   2   1   1  
52. Brunei 2   2   2   0   0  
53. Panama 2   2   2   0   0  
54. Kiribati 2   2   2          
55. Pakistan 2   2   2   0   0  
56. Norway 2   2   2   0   0  
57. Finland 2   2   2          
58. Iran 2   2 0 2   0   0  
59. Nigeria 2   2   2          
60. Belize 1   1   1   0   0  
61. Jordan 1   1   1          
62. Nepal 1   1 0 1   0   0  
63. Kazakhstan 1   1   1          
64. Egypt 1   1   1          
65. Poland 1   1   1          
66. Soviet Union 1   1   1          
67. Belarus 1   1   1          
68. Isle of Man 1   1   1          
69. Turkey 1   1 0 1          
70. Other Countries 2,757   2,757 0 2,757 d/ 0   0  
71. Overseas Branches of Philippine Banks
       and Other Financial Institutions
0           0   0  
B. Multilateral 34,808   3   3   34,805 34,591 215  
1. A D B 15,554   3   3   15,551 15,457 94  
2. I B R D 13,040           13,040 13,040    
3. I M F - SDR Department 2/ 3,702           3,702 3,702    
4. A I I B 2,242           2,242 2,242    
5. I F C 118           118   118  
6. I F A D 112           112 112    
7. OPEC Special Fund 19           19 19    
8. I D A 11           11 11    
9. Others 10           10 8 2  
C. Bondholders/Noteholders 42,241 e/f/ 34 34 1 42,207 33,380 8,827  
1/ Covers debt owed to non-residents, with classification by borrower based on primary obligor per covering
    loan/rescheduling agreement/document. Classification by creditor country is based on the location of the 
    creditor's head office.
2/ Based on the IMF's Articles of Agreement, all operations and transactions involving Special Drawing Rights (SDR)
    shall be conducted through the IMF's SDR Department. The IMF's SDR Department keeps  records of SDR allocations 
    to member and holdings of SDRs by members and prescribed holders.
a/ Includes US$7,744 million borrowings without BSP approval/registration and US$591 million obligations under capital
      lease agreements
b/ Includes ''Due to Head Office/Branches Abroad'' accounts of branches and offshore banking units of foreign banks
      operating in the Philippines amounting to US$2,546 million
c/ Includes ''Due to Head Office/Branches Abroad'' accounts of branches and offshore banking units of foreign banks
       operating in the Philippines amounting to US$50 million
d/ Includes DA/OA US$2,478 million and export advances US$238million  
e/ Excludes residents' holdings of Philippine debt securities issued offshore aggregating US$21,754 million  
f/ Includes non-resident holdings of Philippine debt securities issued onshore amounting to US$5,108 million  
Note: Amounts may not add up due to rounding                    
   Zero (0) denotes amount is less than US$0.5 million                    
Source: International Operations Department