Key Statistics, Reports and Press  Releases  
                      Date: 1 July 2024        
E-mail address :   BSP website:  
           Tables/Reports Data Periodicity  Available at  
Jul 2024 Aug 2024 Sep 2024 Oct 2024
I.   Money and Banking
I.a.  Monetary Statistics and Reports
1.  Depository  Corporations Survey (DCS) a/    Monthly   BSP Web - 31    7       |       30 30 31
        preliminary statistics, press        SDDS page (May/24) (Jun/24) | (Jul/24) (Aug/24) (Sep/24)
        release on domestic liquidity   Monthly   BSP Web,        
          Communication Office        
2.  Loans Outstanding for Production and       Monthly   BSP Web - 31    7       |       30 30 31
        Consumer Loans: Universal and       SPEI page (May/24) (Jun/24) | (Jul/24) (Aug/24) (Sep/24)
        Commercial Banks, press release                
        and statistics                
3.  Central Bank Survey, statistics   Monthly   BSP Web - 12 14 13 14
        SDDS page (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24) (Sep/24)
4.  Other Financial Corporations Survey (OFCS) b/     Quarterly   BSP Web 31     31
        preliminary statistics, press release         (Q1/24)     (Q2/24)
5.  Total Resources of the Philippine   Monthly   BSP Web 15 14 13 15
        Financial System, statistics       SPEI page (May/24) (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24)
6.  Total Loans (Gross), Loan Loss Monthly   BSP Web 15 14 13 15
        Provision and NPL by Type of     SPEI page (May/24) (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24)
        Universal and Commercial Banks              
7.  Press release on Monetary   7 meetings per year   BSP Web,   15 17
        Policy Stance     Communication Office        
8.  Highlights of the Meeting of   4 wks after   BSP Web, 25   12  
        the Monetary Board on   MB meeting   Communication Office (27 Jun/24)   (15 Aug/24)  
        Monetary Policy Issues                
Interest Rates
1.  BSP Policy Rates   Daily   BSP Web - Every 1:00 pm of working day
1.a Overnight Lending Facility (OLF) Rate       SDDS  page
1.b Target Reverse Repurchase (RRP) Rate        
2. Rediscount Rate c/   Monthly   SDDS page 8 7 9 7
            (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24) (Sep/24)
3. Selected Domestic Interest Rates Monthly BSP Web 15 15 16 15
            (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24) (Sep/24)
I.b. Banking Statistics and Reports
Universal, Commercial, and Thrift Banks
1.  Consumer Loans   Quarterly   BSP Web - Statistics/     6  
2.  Auto Loans       Banking Statistics page     (Q2/24)  
3.  Credit Card Receivables                
4.  Trust and Other Fiduciary Business   Quarterly   BSP Web - Statistics/   16    
        and Other Management Activities       Banking Statistics page   (Q2/24)    
5.  Expanded Real Estate Exposure   Quarterly   BSP Web - Statistics/     3  
        Banking Statistics page     (Q2/24)  
6.  Published Balance Sheet   Quarterly   BSP Web - Statistics/     30  
          Banking Statistics page     (Q2/24)  
Universal and Commercial Banks
1.  Balance Sheet and Key Ratios   Monthly   BSP Web - Statistics/ 11 6 10 8
2.   Loans Outstanding for Production       Banking Statistics page (May/24) (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24)
        and Household Consumption                
3.  Selected Asset Quality Indicators                
4.  Income Statement and Key Ratios   Quarterly   BSP Web - Statistics/        
          Banking Statistics page        
Thrift Banks
1.  Balance Sheet and Key Ratios   Monthly   BSP Web - Statistics/        
          Banking Statistics page 11 6 10 8
2.   Loans Outstanding for Production   Monthly   BSP Web - Statistics/ (May/24) (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24)
        and Household Consumption       Banking Statistics page        
3.  Selected Asset Quality Indicators   Monthly   BSP Web - Statistics/        
          Banking Statistics page        
4.  Income Statement and Key Ratios   Quarterly   BSP Web - Statistics/        
          Banking Statistics page        
Philippine Banking System
1.  Balance Sheet and Key Ratios   Quarterly   BSP Web - Statistics page   27    
2.   Loans Outstanding for Production       BSP Web - Statistics page   (Q2/24)    
        and Household Consumption                
3.  Selected Asset Quality Indicators       BSP Web - Statistics page        
4.  Income Statement and Key Ratios   Quarterly   BSP Web - Statistics/   27    
          Banking Statistics page   (Q2/24)    
5.  Number of Automated Teller Machines    Quarterly   BSP Web - Statistics/     17  
        (ATMs) and Banks with Electronic        BSP Web - Statistics page     (Q2/24)  
        Banking Facilities                
6. Regional Distribution of Banking Offices   Quarterly   BSP Web - Statistics/     17  
          Banking Statistics page     (Q2/24)  
BSP Supervised Financial Institutions
1.  Report on the Philippine Financial    Semestral   BSP Web -         
       System, press release       Media Releases page        
2.  Physical network: Number of offices   Quarterly   BSP Web - Statistics/     17  
          Banking Statistics page     (Q2/24)  
II. External Sector
1.  Balance of Payments,    Quarterly   BSP Web -     13  
       press release and statistics       SDDS page     (Q2/24)  
2.  Overseas Filipinos Remittances,   Monthly   BSP Web - 15 15 16 15
       press release and statistics       SDDS page (May/24) (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24)
3.  Gross International Reserves (GIR),   Monthly   BSP Web - 5 7 6 7
       press release and statistics       SDDS page (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24) (Sep/24)
4.  Template on International Reserves    Monthly   BSP Web -  31 30 30 31
       and Foreign Currency Liquidity       SDDS page (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24) (Sep/24)
5.  Overall BOP Position, final GIR and NIR   Monthly   BSP Web -  19 19 19 18
     statistics of BSP       SDDS page (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24) (Sep/24)
6.  Foreign Direct Investments,   Monthly   BSP Web -  10 12 10 10
       press release and statistics       SDDS page (Apr/24) (May/24) (Jun/24) (Jul/24)
7.  External Debt    Quarterly   BSP Web -     13  
       press release and statistics       SDDS page     (Q2/24)  
8.  Selected External Debt Ratios   Monthly   BSP Web - 19 16 13 18
       statistics       SDDS page (Apr/24) (May/24) (Jun/24) (Jul/24)
9.  International Investment Quarterly BSP Web -     30  
       Position        SDDS page     (Q2/24)  
III.  Real Sector
Exchange Rates
1.  Philippine Peso Per US Dollar Rate   Daily   BSP Web -SDDS page Every 9:30 am of working day
2.  Daily Nominal Effective    Daily   BSP Web Every 1:00 pm of working day
        Exchange Rate (NEER)        
3.  Reference Exchange Rate Bulletin   Daily   BSP Web -SDDS page Every  9:30 am of working day
4.  Philippine Peso Per US Dollar Rate         Every 1:00 pm of working day
        4.a.  daily   Daily   BSP Web
        4.b.  average for the month   Monthly     2 2 3 2
               and end of period **/         (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24) (Sep/24)
5.  Philippine Peso Cross Rates **/   Monthly   BSP Web 2 2 3 2
6.   US Dollar Rates of Selected Currencies **/         (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24) (Sep/24)
7.  Real Effective Exchange    Monthly   BSP Web 9 8 9 8
       Rate Index of  the Peso **/         (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24) (Sep/24)
8.  Nominal  Effective Exchange               
       Rate Index of  the Peso **/                
1. Inflation Rate and press release on inflation   Monthly   BSP Web 5 6 5 4
      (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24) (Sep/24)
  Monthly BSP Web      
          Communication Office        
2.  Month-Ahead Inflation Forecast Range   Monthly   BSP Web, FB, Twitter, Instagram 31 30 30 31
          Communication Office (Jul/24) (Aug/24) (Sep/24) (Oct/24)
3.  Residential Real Estate Price Index  Quarterly BSP Web     27  
        (RREPI)     (Q2/24)  
IV. Others
1.  BSP Annual Report   Annual   BSP Web        
        Communication Office        
2.  Business Expectations Survey (BES)   Quarterly   BSP Web     27  
        press release       Communication Office     (Q3/24)  
3.  Consumer Expectations Survey (CES),    Quarterly   BSP Web     27  
        press release       Communication Office     (Q3/24)  
4.  Monetary Policy Report   Quarterly   BSP Web   16  
5. Senior Bank Loans Officers' Survey (SLOS). d/ Quarterly BSP Web 26    
        press release (Q2/24)      
6.  Report on Economic and Financial (LTP)   Quarterly   BSP Web      
7.  Report on Regional Economic Developments   Annual   BSP Web      
       in the Philippines                
8.  Selected Philippine Economic   Monthly   BSP Web 15 15 16 15
       Indicators (SPEI)         (Jun/24) (Jul/24) (Aug/24) (Sep/24)
9.  Daily Key Statistical Indicators   Daily   Communication Office  Every 5:00 pm of working day
        (Peso rates, domestic and     
          foreign interest rates,  prices
          of selected commodities)        
10.  Weekly Key Statistical Indicators   Weekly   BSP Web  
10.1 Weekly Key Statistical Indicators Report         Every 1st working day after the reference week
10.2 Weekly Reserve Money         Every 1st working day of the week, 3 weeks after the reference week
10.3 Reserve Position of Universal/Commercial Banks         Every 1st working day of the week for the latest available data
10.4 Weekly Key Interest Rates         Every 1st working day after the reference week
11. Philippine Balance Sheet Approach   Quarterly   BSP Web     4  
12.  Philippine Flow of Funds   Annual   BSP Web 4      
a/ Depository Corporations Survey is a consolidation of the balance sheets of the deposit generating banks, namely: monetary 
authorities, commercial banks, thrift banks, rural banks, non-stock savings and loan association, and non-banks with quasi-banking functions.
b/ Other Financial Corporations Survey is a consolidation of the balance sheets of other financial corporations, namely: trust entities,
insurance corporations, holding companies, government financial institutions-other financial corporations, non-money market investment
funds, and other financial intermediaries and auxiliaries.
c/ Refers to the weighted average interest rates for peso loans granted by maturity during the indicated report period. 
d/ Senior Bank Loans Officers' Survey (SLOS)  conducted by the BSP to enhance its understanding of banks' lending behavior, which is an important indicator of the strength of credit activity in the country
**/  Also available at the SPEI folder of the BSP website within  15 days from reference period.
  DER   Department of Economic Research
      Managing Director - Mr. Zeno Ronald R. Abenoja
      Phone: (632)  8708-7219  or  8811-1277 local  3023; 3024    Fax no.  (632) 8708-7215   
  DES   Department of Economic Statistics
      Senior Director - Mr. Redentor Paolo M. Alegre, Jr.
      Phone: (632)  8708-7229  or 8811-1277 local  2985; 3132     Fax no.  (632) 8708-7230  
  EFLO   Economic and Financial Learning Office
      Director - Ms. Marianne M. Santos
      Phone: (632) 8708-7273;  8811-1277 local 3058 or 3059    Fax no.  (632) 8708-7274
  IOD   International  Operations Department
      Director - Ms. Jodeth Niña R. Yeung
      Phone:  (632)  8708-7107  or 8811-1277 local 3060      Fax no.  (632) 5306-3091
  SPRD   Supervisory Policy and Research Department
      Director - Ms. Maria Cynthia M. Sison
      Phone:  (632)  8708-7337 or 8811-1277 local 2594
  DSA   Department of Supervisory Analytics
      Director - Mr. Noel L. Guinto
      Phone:  (632)  5303-1523 local 2708 or 2293 or 2869
  SPEI Selected Philippine Economic Indicators 
      Available at the BSP website,
  SDDS   Special Data Dissemination Standard
      IMF Coordinator for the Philippines 
      Ms. Helen Wagner, IMF Statistics Department
      Phone: (202) 623-4465 
      Country Coordinator for the Philippines 
      OIC-Deputy National Statistician of the Censuses and Technical Coordination Office - Ms. Minerva Eloisa P. Esquivias
      Philippine Statistics Authority
      Telefax: (632) 376-1879   E-mail:
      Agency Coordinator for the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
      Mr. Rossvern S. Reyes, Department of Economic Statistics
      Phone: (632) 53062175  Fax no.  (632) 8708-7230