The BSP publishes reports, research studies, surveys, directories, manuals and learning materials relating to central banking and economic and financial developments. This is to promote transparency in its operations and to foster economic and financial education among the public.
The BSP Store sells BSP corporate products, special publications, and commemorative notes and coins.
The Teaching Guides on Financial Education provide school administrators, teachers and pupils with basic concepts and principles which will help them develop economic values focused on saving for economic growth and development.
The Annual Report (AR) is submitted annually to the President of the Philippines and the Congress highlighting the major developments in the Philippine economy and the key activities, policies and operations of the BSP during the year.
Full Report | Archives
This version of the Annual Report is published by the BSP in terms understandable to the layman.
Within Reach is an annual report highlighting the BSP’s efforts to bring itself closer to the Filipino people.
The Monetary Policy Report was launched in February 2022. It replaces the quarterly publication of the Inflation Report and serves as the flagship BSP publication on monetary policy. The MPR provides the public a detailed view of the BSP’s forecasts as well as guidance on the likely direction of monetary policy over the near term.
Full Report | Condensed Version | Snapshots | Archives
The Inflation Report (IR), which has been replaced by the Monetary Policy Report, was published quarterly as part of the BSP's transparency mechanism under inflation targeting. The IR conveyed to the public the overall thinking and analysis behind the BSP's decision on monetary policy.
Press Release | Full Report | Archives | Inflation Report - Infographics
The Report on the Philippine Financial System is a comprehensive assessment of major developments in the Philippine financial system during the semester.
Press Release | Full Report | Archives
The Financial Inclusion in the Philippines is a quarterly publication aimed to increase public awareness and appreciation of the BSP's initiatives in financial inclusion, the state of financial inclusion in the Philippines, as well as the new developments and emerging issues in both domestic and global contexts.
The FSR provides a thematic approach and an in-depth analysis of recent developments and potential risks that may have financial stability implications to the Philippine financial system.
The Balance of Payment (BOP) Report contains a comprehensive analysis of the developments in the country’s balance of payments including the current account (i.e., trade-in-goods and services, income, and current transfers) and the capital and financial account (i.e., direct, portfolio and other investments). Also included are brief discussions on the country’s gross international reserves and exchange rate.
The Balance Sheet Approach (BSA) is a presentation of the country’s sectoral accounts on a from whom-to-whom (WTW) basis using the aggregate balance sheet data of each sector of the economy.
The International Investment Position (IIP) is a companion framework to the Balance of Payments (BOP) statistics. While the BOP is a statistical statement that records the country’s transactions or flows with the rest of the world for a given period, the IIP summarizes the country’s stock of financial claims on and financial liabilities to the rest of the world as of a specific reporting period.
The Philippine Flow of Funds presents the financial transactions of and among the different institutional sectors of the domestic economy, including the rest of the world. The report also shows which institutions are net lenders and net borrowers in the series of transactions.
The Quarterly Report on Economic and Financial Development is a quarterly report which outlines the major developments in the real, monetary and fiscal sectors of the Philippine economy.
The Report on Regional Economic Developments in the Philippines tracks economic activities in the regions, focusing on the demand and supply conditions, price developments and monetary conditions, as well as the emerging outlook. Analysis of regional trends and developments supplements BSP’s analytical tools for monetary policy formulation and financial supervision. Qualitative and quantitative information used in the report are collected from primary and secondary sources and reflect the extensive information gathered by the BSP regional offices and branches.
The quarterly newsletter carries articles and information about the Philippine economy, including economic statistics, policy reforms, major infrastructure development projects, credit rating updates, investor relations activities, and outlook on the Philippine economy.
The Macroprudential Policy Strategy Framework reflects the thinking of financial authorities, the institutional arrangements as well as the tools that will be used to sustain and enhance the health of the financial system. This health is specifically defined in terms of system's resilience against systemic risks.
June 2022
Full Report
Report on Recent Trends in the Philippine Financial System, as of end-September 2024.
2017 Philippine Financial Social Accounting Matrix (PFSAM)
Press Release | Full Report
2023 Sustainability Report
2023 NSFI Report | 2022 NSFI Report
The report on E-payments measurement is an annual report that features significant data and insights on the status of digital payments in the country.
The daily key statistical indicators report contains data on selected domestic and foreign interest rates, commodity prices of sugar, coconut oil, gold and silver, and Peso-Dollar exchange rates.
Latest Data
The Reference Exchange Rate Bulletin contains the weighted average rates of selected currencies.
The Selected Economic and Financial Indicators (SEFI) is a weekly compilation of various indicators on output, employment and wages, prices, money and interest rates, external indicators and public finance.
The Monthly Selected Philippine Economic Indicators (SPEI) is a monthly compilation of various statistical tables on external accounts, financial system, fiscal, prices, and other real sector accounts.
Latest Release | Archives
A two-volume compilation of various information and statistical data of the BSP Supervised Financial Institutions such as Physical Network and Directory, Aggregated Balance Sheet and Income Statement, Regional Distribution of Selected Accounts, individual Published Balance Sheet of Universal/Commercial/Thrift Banks and Summary Report on Compliance with Agri-Agra and MSME.
2021 Full Report Vol. 2 | Archives
This publication contains statistical data relating to economic areas covering money, banking, credit and investment, public finance, foreign exchange transactions; balance of payments and external debt; production, construction and public utilities; and prices. The series presented in this report may be used as indicators of the impact of policies and measures adopted by the Monetary Board and in support of the analysis of the economic and financial developments discussed in the Annual Report text.
The RREPI is a measure of the average price change of the different types of residential properties in the country over time.
Press Release | Archives
The Business Expectations Survey (BES) is a nationwide quarterly survey of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) on business owners' or management's sentiment on their industry and the national economy for the current quarter, next quarter, and next 12 months.
The Consumer Expectations Survey (CES) is a nationwide quarterly survey of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) on consumers’ sentiments, i.e., Philippine household sentiments, on family income, financial situation, and economic condition of the country for the current quarter, next quarter, and next 12 months.
The Consumer Finance Survey (CFS) is a nationwide triennial survey of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) on the financial conditions of Filipino households, including their assets and debts, income and expenditures, as well as access to financial services.
Report on the results of the quarterly Senior Bank Loan Officers' Survey conducted by the BSP to enhance its understanding of banks’ lending behavior, which is an important indicator of the strength of credit activity in the country.
The report on the Survey of IT-BPO Services, formerly known as the Survey of IT and IT-Enabled Services, provides information on the economic contribution of IT and IT-Enabled services based on a survey conducted by the BSP. The survey covers member-firms of the different information and communication technology (ICT) associations and firms registered with attached agencies of the Department of Trade and Industry, namely, the Philippine Economic Zone Authority and the Board of Investments.
The Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) is a tool used to collect data on residents’ holdings of foreign-issued equities and long- and short-term debt securities semi-annually. The CPIS is a global undertaking spearheaded by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in coordination with participating countries worldwide to improve statistics on holdings of external portfolio investment assets and promote international data comparability.
The Banking Sector Outlook Survey (BSOS) serves as a complementary tool in validating the assessments of banking supervisors.
The 2022 Countryside Bank Survey Report.
History Wrought in Gold
Perspectives from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Perspectives on the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Painting Collection
History and Heritage in Philippine Money The Numismatic Collection of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
The People of the Philippine Central Bank
50 Years of Investing in Philippine Cultural Heritage
Enduring Legacies of Filipino Artistry
The Philippine Experience
A Strategic Journey to Stability
Select speeches of the Governors of the Central Bank of the Philippines and Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Volume I | Volume II | Volume III
The Manual of Regulations for Banks (MORB) is the primary source of regulations governing entities supervised by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. It provides the rules and policy issuances that implement the broader provisions of Republic Act No. 8791, also known as the General Banking Law of 2000, as wella s other pertinent banking laws.
The Manual of Regulations for Non-Banks Financial Institutions (MORNBFI) consolidates Philippine rules and policy issuances governing quasi-banks, investment houses, non-stock savings and loan associations and pawnshops in the country.
The Manual of Regulations on Foreign Exchange Transactions is a consolidation of all regulations governing foreign exchange transactions. This Manual replaces Circular No. 1389 dated 13 April 1993, as amended, which was the first consolidation of foreign exchange regulations. This is an enhanced and complete version of Circular No. 1389, as amended, as it incorporates all amendments made since 1993 and consolidates all regulations on foreign exchange and related transactions.
The Manual of Regulations for Payment Systems (MORPS) compiles payment system regulations approved by the Monetary Board of the Bangko Sentral.
A ready reference and easy guide to foreign buyers of Philippine products, local suppliers of exporters, foreign investors, government agencies, commercial banks and the interested public in general.
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