Inclusive Finance - Consumer Protection

Common Financial Consumer Protection Issues

As financial consumers gain access to wide range of financial products and services they become vulnerable and exposed to different types of risks such as risks on financial loss, data breaches and identity theft. Through this page, we seek to provide information on some financial consumer concerns that we receive which aims to guide financial consumers in making informed decisions as well as enlighten them of remedies available to them.

  1. Online Scams
  2. Fraudulent Commercial Document
  3. Unfair Collection Practice
  4. Deposit of Deceased Persons
  5. Currency Exchange
  6. Financial Learning

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Created:10/6/2020 2:37 PM   by:  Rhodawynn Concepcion Obillo-Segun
Modified:10/1/2021 2:56 PM   by:  Rhodawynn Concepcion Obillo-Segun