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The Investor Relations Group (IRG) of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP, the Central Bank ​​​of the Philippines)  was created in July 2001 to raise the Philippine government's credit profile a​nd promote the country as a viable investment destination.

Now under BSP​'s Strategic Communication Sub-sector, the core of IRG's mandate is to communicate before an international audience key mes​sages on the strengths of the Philippine economy, including sound macroeconomic fundamentals, improved investment climate, game-changing po​​licy reforms, and long-term economic growth potential.

IRO_Presentations IRO_Presentations IRO_Statistics IRO_PressReleases

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​Philippine Economic Briefings​

Presentations of ROP Officials during the 2023 World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings​​​


Briefers and other Materials​

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Audi​o-Visual Presentations​


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Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

Annual Reports, Financial Stability Reports, Fiscal Risk Statement, and other Reports​

Prospectus for ROP Foreign Currency Bond Issuances​

Philippine Economic Updates

Press Releases on Philippines' Credit Ratings

Press Releases from Other Relevant Agencies


    Contact Us

    Investor Relations Group
    Ms. Melanie A. Calumpang
    Ms. Maria Rica M. Amador
    Deputy Directors

    ​Mailing Address:
    Room 412, 4th Floor, 5-Storey Bldg.
    Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
    A. Mabini St., cor. P. Ocampo
    Malate, Manila, 1004

    Phone Numbers:
    (+632) 8708 7487
    (​+632) 5303 1581
​​​​​​​​ ​
Email: iro-semu@bsp.gov.ph

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Social Media:​ 

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