Regulations - Guidelines and Other Regulations

​​​​​​Other Regulations​​​​​​​

Advisory: Electronic Submission of Requests for MB Opinion on Domestic Government Borrowings

Request for Monetary Board Opinion on Domestic Government Borrowings​​​​


Monetary Board Opinion Issuance on Proposed Domestic Borrowings by Local Government Units (LGUs)

Prescribed Forms Relative to the Request for Monetary Board Opinion on Domestic Government Borrowings

Request for MB opinion by local government units (LGUs)

  1. LGU Request Letter (Anne​x 1)
  2. List of Outstanding Loans (Annex 2)
  3. Pro-forma Ordinance (Annex 3)
  4. Pro-forma Waiver Resolution (Annex 4)
  5. Post-Borrowing Report (Annex 5)

​Request for MB opinion by GOCCs/WDs/SUCs​

  1. GOCC/WD/SUC Request Letter (Annex 1A)
  2. Pro-forma Board Resolution (Annex 2A)
  3. Pro-forma Corporate Secretary's Certificate (Annex 3A)
  4. List of Outstanding Loans (Annex 4A)
  5. Post-Borrowing Report (Annex 5A)


Reportorial requirements for lending institutions​​​

  1. Post-Loan Release Report - LGUs (Annex 6)
  2. Post-Loan Release Report - GOCCs, WDs, SUCs (Annex 6A)
  3. Pro-forma Corporate Secretary's Certificate (Annex 3A)
  4. Sworn Certification on Lendings - LGUs (Annex 7)
  5. Sworn Certification on Lendings - GOCCs, WDs, SUCs (Annex 7A)​

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Created:6/17/2020 3:06 PM   by:  Pambid Frederick D.
Modified:4/12/2024 7:44 PM   by:  Pambid Frederick D.