Contains relevant economic and financial regulations issued by the BSP.

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Issuance Type
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Note: Default Setting: Issuance type: ALL Issuances, Date Issued From: {{FromDate}}, Date Issued To: {{ToDate}}

Step by step procedure on how to search for particular BSP issuances:

  1. Enter key words in the Search box. The page will automatically reload the new list of issuances based on the new entered key word/s.
  2. To change the search scope, specify the Date Issued From and/or Date Issued To.
  3. Click the “OK” button to use the new setting/s. The page will reload the new list of issuances based on the new settings.
  4. Enter key words in the Search box.
  5. The columns can be sorted up/down by clicking the column titles.

Manual of Regulations

The Manual of Regulations for Banks (MORB) is the primary source of regulations governing entities supervised by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. It provides the rules and policy issuances that implement the broader provisions of Republic Act No. 8791, also known as the General Banking Law of 2000, as well as other pertinent banking laws.

Manual of Regulations for Banks (MORB)
updated as of December 2021, PDF copy

Archives: December 2008 - December 2020​

Manual of Regulations for Non-Bank Financial Institutions (MORNBFI)
updated as of December 2021, PDF copy

Archives: December 2008 - December 2020

Manual of Regulations for Payment Systems (MORPS)
updated as of September 2024, PDF copy

Manual of Regulations on Foreign Exchange Transactions​ (Updated as of August 2024)
Forms, Annexes and Ap​p​endices (Updated as of August 2024)​ ​
List of Amendments​

Issuances of Policy Exposure Drafts

Contains list of issuances of policy exposure drafts for comments and feedback by stakeholders

Feedback submission:

The BSP welcomes written comments and suggestions to enhance the exposure draft. Kindly e-mail the respective policy officers, whose names are indicated corresponding to each exposure draft. Due dates of feedback submission are likewise provided.