​​Guide to FX Transactions - Foreign Loans, Guarantees and Other Financing Schemes/Arrangements

​​​​​​​​​​Private Sector Loans/Borrowings​

Private Sector Foreign Borrowing

Private Sector Loans/Borrowings​

  • Private sector foreign/foreign currency loans/borrowings that are guaranteed by the public sector are subject to the following to allow borrowers to pay the obligations using foreign currency purchased from banks:

    • Approval — Submit to BSP application for approval (Annex D.2.A) and supporting documents [i.e, loan/borrowing profile (Annex E.3) and proof of payment of BSP processing fee] at least 30 banking days before the target signing date of the loan/borrowing documents. Loan/borrowing agreements which have been signed and/or drawn/availed of prior to securing the requisite BSP approval shall not be eligible for approval and registration.

    • Registration — Submit to BSP application for registration (Annex D.2.B) and supporting documents [i.e., loan/borrowing profile (Annex E.3) and signed covering agreements and related documents] within six (6) months from utilization of proceeds.

      Covering loan/borrowing documents/agreements shall not be notarized.

  • Private sector foreign loans/borrowings that are not guaranteed by the public sector are subject only to the following to allow borrowers to pay the obligations using foreign currency purchased from banks

    • Notification – Submit to BSP a Notice (Annex E.3), supported with a copy of the signed covering agreement(s)/document(s), within one (1) month from date of signing

      • The borrower shall also send a notice to BSP for: (i) change/s in the loan’s financial terms and conditions; or (ii) cancellation (whether partial or in full) of the loan/commitment/agreement, within 15 banking days from availability of information/signing of the amended or supplemental agreement/effectivity date as the case may be.

    • Registration – Submit to BSP application for registration (Annex D.2.B) and supporting documents [loan/borrowing profile (Annex E.3) and signed covering agreement] within one (1) month from drawdown date (for short-term loans) and within six (6) months from utilization of proceeds (for medium- and long-term loans)

  • Foreign currency loans that are not guaranteed by the public sector do not require prior BSP approval and registration, but subject to reporting to BSP.

  • Foreign loans, where notification and/or application for registration is/are not submitted within the prescribed period, can still be registered, subject to payment of a processing fee of PHP20,000 for each foreign loan to be registered.

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Created:6/17/2020 3:06 PM   by:  Pambid Frederick D.
Modified:7/13/2020 2:48 PM   by:  Pambid Frederick D.